Here is my trade page with Key Forge stuff I am looking for as well as my trade bait list of decks I'd trade away.


Here are some cool decks from my collection I have set aside as available for trade!

Name Link Archetype Notes Id
She who Politely Espouses Cats LINK NA x2 Tezmal (Lock-out) / "Crazy Cat Lady" deck name a0ae50f7-6721-4e25-87d0-16f8b2c12a78
Xerxes K. Arctonest, the Second LINK NA x2 Bo Nithing / x2 Daughter / x2 Q-Mechs / x2 Standardized Testing / Professor Terato / Transporter Platform / Armory Officer Nel / Away Team / 5 SA upgrades 2c527c17-78d6-4e98-a72c-57e0eec79d08
The Riskless Rogue Queen of Necrolagoon LINK NA Rock Hurling Giant / Poltergeist / Guilty Hearts / Miasma / burn the Stockpile a0ae50f7-6721-4e25-87d0-16f8b2c12a78
Waltrip, the Soothsayer of Bloxframe LINK NA x3 CTW / Library of the Damned / Snudge / The Terror / Cowards End a0ae50f7-6721-4e25-87d0-16f8b2c12a78
Nehma “Slack-jaw” Nitroblit LINK NA Project Z.Y.X. / Z.Y.X. Researcher / BRIG / x3 Duskwitch ecb7679e-ee2d-44f2-bd46-c1a352eccb96
Vigorously Resourceful Adrian LINK NA x3 Wild Wormhole / x2 Destroy Them All! / Director of Z.Y.X. / Z.Y.X. Researcher / Dysania / Memory Chip 822bd0fe-d85d-43c8-bd4f-92e1f6a6b68e
Hiltop, Throttrail's Commander LINK NA x2 Effervescent Principle / x3 urchin / Too Much to Protect / Drumble / Arise! 36a37768-1f4d-436c-8de4-f3685f0dcb31
Secret “Four-Eyes” Felix LINK NA x2 Ronnie Wristclocks / x2 A Vinda / Subtle Chain / Quadracoder / Keycharge / fangttooth cavern 9ab76c29-584d-47f5-9ce4-26c8bd530204
The Gambler Midwife of Comics and Col. LINK NA GAMMA deck c8e2fe60-e2b5-4dbb-83d9-cff6bf15d3a9
Bombprint, Bayou Gunsmith LINK NA Maverick Pile of skulls in Untamed 3ed8847b-b6d0-44f9-b11d-6a4bc801ed70
Ferrari the Properly Faithful LINK NA Miasma / Nepenthe Seed / Word of Returning / Gorm of Omm / Glorious Few ef253e4d-a9e7-4c32-80c5-b6a3979ed966
Elyzabet Stylopost from the Diver's Valley LINK NA Library Access / Labwork / Nepenthe Seed / Key Charge / Shaffles / Arise! / 2cf58296-7cbc-4435-9d83-e14b147b4308
Pythas, the Priestess of Ockstone LINK NA Legacy Troll in AoA / Maverick Lash of Broken Dreams in Bronar / Burn the Stockpile / Doorstep to Heaven 9685f4bf-b773-4926-b4bb-8222165810d3
Bauer, Malfcity’s Folk Hero LINK NA Niffle Kong eda7c45f-dd3f-45b1-95b8-9e1ddbf1453c
Johansson the Racing LINK NA Library Access / Phase Shift / Skippy Timehog / Too Much to PRotect / Coward's End / Loot the Bodies 3520d8a0-f5e6-49fd-a316-4562cda436e3
Timeveer, She who Prophesies the Smithy LINK NA Scylla / Maverick Defense Initiative in Logos / Effervescent Principle 1e5a5c2a-066b-47eb-88c8-83bd9db248a9


Please reach out to me if you have any decks with these combos/constraints!

Looking For Example Own?
Decks with Alt Art Unsuspecting Prey NA
Decks with a Legacy Helper Bot NA
Decks with Chronophage NA
Decks with 3+ Bo Nithing NA
Decks with LEGACY Exhume NA
Decks with multiple bane cards e.g. Beasts' Bane NA
Decks with Infomancer (Anomaly) NA
Decks with Ghostform. NA
Combo decks without amber control NA
Decks with Legacy or Maverick Pawn Sacrifice NA
Decks with Alt Art Not Finished with You NA
In general I am looking for mars decks over newer sets. NA
Decks with Martian Generosity. NA
Strong decks without Amber Control or Steal. NA
Decks with Honors Keysis. NA
Decks with x2 copies of Punctuated Equilibirum. NA
Matter Maker / cool upgrades NA
Decks with 4+ copies of Grabber Jammer NA
Decks with Alt Art Tremor NA
Decks with a Mars Legacy NA
Decks with Legacy or Maverick Binate Rupture NA
Decks with Lateral Shift NA
Decks with a Mars Maverick (non-mars card). NA
Decks with multiple copies of grommid. NA
Might Makes Right with x2 Lollop. NA
Decks with Enlist Numeri. NA
Decks with Library Card. NA
Decks with Captain Kresage / Poison Creature. NA
Decks with Noname / Purging cards e.g. Infurnace. NA